These are some of the most frequently asked questions about DIN Time. Please look through them before sending a support request.
DIN Time for Fitbit
How do I purchase DIN Time?
You have a 48 (24 for DIN Time:Hrz) hour trial period after which a popup will display instructions about how to proceed with your purchase. If you do not want to wait with your purchase you can end the trial early in the settings page, almost at the bottom.
Purchases are handled by k·pay, a third-party service.
When the trial ends or you manually end the trial from the settings page this will happen:
- A popup will appear on your watch with instructions and a five-digit code.
- Visit kzl.io/dintime or kzl.io/dinhrz and follow the instructions.
- When payment has been made DIN Time will automatically unlock all features after a minute or so.
I purchased DIN Time, but removed it from my Fitbit Ionic. Now on reinstall it wants me to purchase again! Do I have to purchase it again?
There are some extra steps are needed to re-activate your purchase of DIN Time. This is due to a limitation in the Fitbit platform, unfortunately. Fitbit doesn’t provide any unique identifier for each watch/person. So the purchase is linked to your current installation and your email address instead. But to get you back on track do this:
- Open the DIN Time settings page and scroll all the way down to a section labeled "License status". Flip the switch labeled "End trial now". After a few seconds the popup with a five digit code will appear on your watch.
- Visit kzl.io/dintime or kzl.io/dinhrz as you did last time and tap or click on “Already purchased” and follow the instructions to reactivate DIN Time.
What are the limitations of DIN Time if I don’t purchase it?
After 24–48 hours you are required to purchase DIN Time or DIN Time:Hrz to continue to use it. During the trial period all functions are fully functional, but any customised colors on the watch will periodically reset to black and white.
The weather doesn’t update.
First, the Fitbit app on your phone needs to be able to access the GPS to determine where you are. So make sure you have allowed “location services”.
…there has been a known problem with the connection between the Fitbit Ionic and the Fitbit app on your phone. There is a part of DIN Time running on your phone that is responsible for downloading new weather data. It is called the “companion app”. If the connection between phone and Ionic is lost the app shuts down and stops updating the weather. You can try exiting DIN Time on your watch and start any other app, for example Alarms or Weather. Stay there for a few seconds, then return to DIN Time. Hopefully the companion app gets relaunched and the weather will start updating. If this doesn’t help repeat the procedure but also force quit the Fitbit app on your phone before relaunching DIN Time on your watch.
I tried to set a new theme but it always reverts back to the previous colors! Why?
You are most likely trying out DIN Time or DIN Time:Hrz in trial mode. Colors will reset to black and white every 30 minutes in DIN Time:Hrz and every 2 hours in DIN Time.
Is DIN Time open source? Will you release it as open source?
Does “DIN” mean anything?
Yes, Deutsches Institut für Normung. It’s the German Standards Institute. They developed the typeface DIN Time is based upon. The typeface was used for road and highway signage. The design of DIN Time was also originally inspired by these highway signs, but more so on the Pebble. Some elements has been removed for the Fitbit version. You can still see traces though, like the naming of one of the themes, Autobahn. The dashed line around the forecast is another thing. On highway signs a dashed box around a road number shows that the current road or exit leads to that road, ie. what’s coming -> forecast. Pretty far fetched, but I like it.
DIN Time for Pebble
I have downgraded my Pebble to firmware 4.2. Now DIN Time doesn’t work. Where can I get an older version of DIN Time?
Can you add support for Celsius/Fahrenheit?
It’s already there. Open the settings page (through the Pebble app) and tap the orange circle over the weather icons in the preview image. In the popup that appears you will find a setting for the temperature scale, amongst other things.
What does the arrow under the temperature indicate?
It’s the current barometric pressure trend; rising, steady, or falling. Generally, if it is pointing up the weather will improve. If it’s pointing down it will get worse.
Can you add support for getting weather data from Weather Underground, Openweathermap, Forecast.io, YR.no…?
At the moment I’m not working on adding support for other weather providers. But It’s on my long-term todo list. Unfortunately it’s not as as easy as just switching the provider. The weather icons needs to be adapted to the different providers, for example.
How do I read the weather information?
The top box is current weather. To the side of that is the current temperature. Under the temperature is the current barometric pressure trend (see above). The lower, dashed box is the forecast for the rest of the day with the expected high (top) and low (bottom) temperatures. This description is for a rectangular Pebble. If you have a Round it will be different, but the general idea is the same.
Does DIN Time have a big impact on the battery life of my Pebble?
DIN Time periodically updates the weather (if set) and that will consume some more power than watch faces without weather. If it is set to update more often, every 30 minutes, the impact on the battery will of course be larger than if set to every 60 minutes. Enabling seconds will also draw considerately more power than when disabled. All that said, according to the statistics available to Pebble developers, DIN Time has been given a battery grade of A. See below.

Is DIN Time open source? Will you release it as open source?
Does “DIN” mean anything?
Yes, Deutsches Institut für Normung. It’s the German Standards Institute. They developed the typeface DIN Time is based upon. The typeface was used for road and highway signage. The design of DIN Time was also originally inspired by these highway signs, but more so on the Pebble. Some elements has been removed for the Fitbit version. You can still see traces though, like the naming of one of the themes, Autobahn. The dashed line around the forecast is another thing. On highway signs a dashed box around a road number shows that the current road or exit leads to that road, ie. what’s coming -> forecast. Pretty far fetched, but I like it.
Love DIN Time – quick question. I only see the barometric pressure arrow on the main face when I use the Yahoo weather provider. If I use Dark Sky, it goes away. This seems like useful info, and Dark Sky seems more accurate, so would be nice to have on the face when using Dark Sky. Thanks for your hard work on what has become the only face I use now.
The reason the trend arrow is only available when using Yahoo is because they provide the data for it. If I were to implement it with Dark Sky I would first have to figure out the correct algorithm for it (it’s only called “rising” when it’s a certain amount of rise within a specific time period), and then for the calculation to be correct I would need to have three or more historic data points equally and suitably spaced. If one is missing (perhaps due to connection errors) the calculation would be wrong. So all in all it was a little to much work and error checking of the data for it to be worth the trouble. But I’m glad you like the little arrow, most people don’t see the use for it.
Thanks for your reply – makes a lot of sense. It really is a great face – thanks!
When I have an event Window (time line) showing at the 1/4 bottom, it covers the minutes digits. Do you plan to fix it? It’s the only feature stopping the purchase of your awesome watch face!
I have had plans to fix it, but when the Pebble watches were cancelled I stopped working on it. But perhaps I will continue…
its a great app..please continue :)
What is the scale for the wind in the health popup? Is it based on the Beaufort scale?
Also what it the dotted line just below the sunrise and sunset hours?
This is excellent, I’ve bought it.
The only request I have is that the number of steps this hour is visible in the stats. No standard watchface has it. Perhaps as an option to replace the calories field, I have no use for that.
Thank you! Unfortunately there isn’t a way to access the official steps per hour data (the one that is shown in the Today app and on the phone). It’s also not practical to track the steps in the background in DIN Time as it can get shut down by the system without notice and then it won’t be correct anyway. Only thing possible is to keep track how many steps has been taken since you last looked at DIN Time and then divide that by how long time has passed. But that wont be same as the other data.
Thanks for the reply. I’m finding Fitbits attitude to making data available very frustrating. Too much is hidden, I’d love to export steps to TCX but again that is just not available
One question about the weather data. By a fulltime bar, the data is new however, that is not visseble on my Ionic.
Tap the stats section to view more weather information. The bar, if the data is recent, will be visible in the top weather box.
I choose the sunflower face and my weather won’t load. I did the recommended steps from the previous post about connection issues. The weather app is working on the watch, but it’s not showing on the face.
There are currently problems with the default weather provider for DIN Time, Yahoo. They aren’t returning any weather data since a few hours. The Fitbit weather app use a different weather provider and apps/watch faces don’t have access to that data.
Will this eventually be fixed?
I certainly hope so! The fault lies with the weather provider, not DIN Time, so there isn’t much I can do about it at the moment.
Thank you very much. I appreciate everything and I do absolutely love DIN Time.
Great design!
I chose “orange focus” as my theme. But now I’m unable to change to another theme, or change anything else.
Works and looks great besides that!
Thanks! It’s probably “one of those” connection problems that can happen. Try quitting DIN Time on your watch by starting any other app, such as the weather or alarms. While you do that force quit the Fitbit app on your phone. Restart it, then go back to DIN Time. After that open the settings again and you should be able to change the theme.
Really great design and features!
One issue I’m having on Versa is the seconds toggle doesn’t keep the feature off; I have to toggle it off/on/off and then it goes away, but when the Versa goes to standby (display off) the seconds reappear when the display turns on.
Kind of a weird bug. Running latest Android app and Versa FW.
Thank you, I’ve sent you an email!
I love this watch face! My favorite by far! One question though, when you make you own themes and have the saved can you edit/delete them? I think it would be awesome if there was a way to preview the face or even see it as you are building it, is that something you may have in the works for a future update?
Thank you! If you load one of the saved themes you can make changes and save it again to the same or another slot. You can’t delete saved private themes, but you can overwrite them with a new name. As for previewing, you’re already seeing all the changes on the watch. But if you want to build an entire color theme without affecting the theme on the watch it can’t be done. It isn’t technically possible to display a preview, i.e. an image of the watch face, in the settings page that changes color as you create your theme. The tools we developers have to create settings pages for the Fitbit watches are very limited I’m afraid.
I bought DIN Time but the recent update has reverted it to a trial status. Obviously tapping the stats section doesn’t bring up the buy link during the trial, so is there any way I can re-sync my purchase or do I have to wait for the trial to expire? Cheers!
I do not want din time, how do I stop the notification on my watch? I don’t even know how this happened. I’m not paying for this
I absolutely love this watch face and have bought it. I just have one suggestion I hope you can implement. Can you PLEASE add battery percentage text as an option? Instead of the current battery symbol, I would rather see the actual percentage as text; or if possible, both the battery symbol and percentage text next to each other. Thank you!
I already bought the watchface. I’m trying to reactivate the license. However, I cannot generate the 5 digit code in my versa. What do I have to do?
All the sudden my face will not display any of my weather data, steps, stairs, distance walked, active minutes, calories burned or heart rate. It is completely blank besides the time. Watch and phone are synced because when I go into the actual activity portion of the watch all my data is there. Why is this happening?
I really don’t know. Have you tried reinstalling it?
Hi Christian!
Now I have changed to Android 8.1.0 and missing DIN TIME for my Pebble. The Pebble App runs but the webpage for watchfaces is no longer available. Is there a way to install DIN TIME. Probably with a *.pbw file? But I dont know how? Thanks for your help and kindly regards RAINER